BSFF Best Humor Film



The sisters Almira and Piedade are champions of selling coxinha – a brazilian snack- in the city – they are cheap and very tasty! Everything can change with the arrival of a very suspicious young man in the sweet ladies’ diner

BSFF Best Horror Film 2020

Red Room


@FakeRitual es un youtuber con un canal muy pequeño que se dedica a desmentir juegos de invocación falsos. Un día, descarga una misteriosa App desde la Deep Web.

Esta App se llama Red Room, y parece tener dos funcionalidades. La primera, mezclas la realidad con otros planos de existencia, y la segunda, es una especie de red social paranormal, donde algunos usuarios realizan juegos de invocación y comparten sus experiencias con el resto de usuarios.

@FakeRitual debe jugar un ritual llamada Encuentra la muñeca usando la App y una extraña muñeca.

En una habitación oscura, solo con la luz de un mechero, deberá jugar con la muñeca… y quizá, esta pueda desaparecer… y si desaparece… @FakeRitual deberá buscarla antes de que ella le encuentre a el.
Para disfrutar de este cortometraje, deberías descargar la App Red Room disponible en Google Play y AppStore. Abre la App, reproduce el cortometraje y sube el volumen. En este momento, la aplicación conectará en tiempo real con la historia del cortometraje.

Open Letter to Ramalde´s President

Ramaldar Productions was interdicted of being made in physical mode due to confinement and the closure of theaters. But the biggest problem was the censorship made to Culture, where the registration of our Company was not done. And obvious funding from Cultural Budget were denied. From 80000 Euros, we get 0 while making almost all cultural events available in Ramalde.

Also, in a contest we were erased from victory with a documentary production that covered all history of the place. Wining was for a project outside the place, second place also, and we understood that all was already made. A formalization. Not a contest.

By reporting fraude in Court we get threatned, we get without power in December due to a cut in a fund without explanation. We continue without power, and our archived denounces of Fraud, Censorship, Persecution, and other will be re-open by the ways we will find.

All will continue to be. And ignorance and stupidity in power will always have some cleaners.

I am Bizzarrya, and i demand the anwsers to:

1 – How much budget from the 80000 to Culture will be to Ramaldar Productions, that bring the best contemporary films and sends Portugal Cinema to the World?

2- Why was not Ramaldar Productions made company like required to Junta de Freguesia de Ramalde in the person of Sergio Tormenta?

3 – Why have Lusofonia been breaked by the denial of press release of the presence of Daemoon from Bruno Miguel Resende in the big festival in Amazonian Alter Fest?

4 – Why there is no budget to something like Bizzarrya, with 500 films, while there an industrial kitchen is won by an amateur theatre?

5- Why was not activated an Emergency Fund when asked due to all the government cuts to Culture that leaves Ramaldar Productios without power, with a Festival with 500 Films from all over the world, bringing shame and a ridiculous image of Portugal Culture and a break of Constitution Law concernig the relations with other countries.

6- It will be presented as an crime, the break of fredoom of spceach, of free creation and the information about all culture that 500 films brougt to us, some of us, as a closed mind politics simply erases information, denies fundings thar are from people, and not from any President, and canot be choose to be spend in Education if the Funds are Cultural. We want funding. 5000 is the proposal made.

7 – 500 films “being of no interest” is going to have a good explanation.

8 – Not publishing things that are not important is not politics, is fraud.

9 – Ramaldar Productions have a project to be solved. It is going to hapen or not? What are the funding? Licenses, Archives, everything to make a documentary. Our documentary is more important that a kitchen. It is quite obvious.

10 – Ramaldar Productions didn’t get the Festival that was supposed to be. Somes answers to the fantastic Filmmakers we had in the Festival, with great pieces of art is the minimum that can be done.

I am Bizzarrya.
Filmaker: Pierre DUGOWSON
Country: France
Film : 2030
Filmaker R. A. MORGAN
Country: U. S. A. 
Film: Pirate Ship
I am Bizzarrya.
Country: PANAMA
I am Bizarria
Anku Parashar
The Key of Life
I am Bizzarrya
Rendeira Produçoes
Film: Blue Boy
Country: Brazil
I am Bizzarya
Name : Mhaag
Country : France
Film: Starlights

BSFF 1st Edition: Winners

As Bizarrya said before, in Portugal Culture was placed in a critical state. Social Funds to compensate the catastrophic way that Culture was sent to, didn’t get to everybody. Festival ans Shows are fordiden since May 2020. The funds that Ramaldar Productions and his Festival, Bizarrya, were suposed to enter long ago, and a place in our local place, Ramalde. Our company joined lot of extreme quality films, and a new concept in Cinema Festival was born.

Censorship started with a film named “Coronantine”, that shows the death city of Porto during the imposed self-imprisonment. Images of a Touristic Town, but without tourism, or people, or signs of life. Since then we are under economical cuts of all kinds of venues. The censorship went to far by letting the house of Ramaldar Productions without electricity and no answers to the fund that was aplicable,

We made the Festival with the name of the Director being used to archive all claims, what denied the equal access to Human Rights, by condemning 2 serpents to die by not activate the Emergency Fund. By the denial of the existence of Ramaldar Productions, not sending press-releases when asked to. We fell that we need to give you an apology by the offense made to filmmakers by not responding, what they are obliged to, by the denial of any structure, studio, or someone that were interested. The campaign of defamation, cultural destruction, persecution, fraud, will be, by legal ways, turned off.

We will probably change house, to get access to public services, that we are forbidden to access, to get funding.

By not register our company, Junta de Freguesia de Ramalde proved to be a dictatorship of a small space of 35000 persons. We will resiste.

Please consider to donate, its that force that keeps everything working.

And the winners are…

BSFF Bizarrya Short Winner: Primates


BSFF Best Horror Winner: Red Room

BSFF Best Humor Short Winner: Coxinha

BSFF Best Experimental Winner: AWARENESS, ARTTU NIEMINEN, Finlandia

BSFF Audience Award: Proyeto Nueva Era